Love Me

Love Me

I love me enough to know that your being rude and hurtful is not loving  
Take myself out of the space and situation
Love Me

I love me enough to see the bitterness that pervades your being 
The guilt you feel toward yourself translating into hatred
What do you feel guilty about?

Guilt is the only energy on earth that never dissipates 
Time for you to take on alchemy to transform your feelings of guilt into hope and joy
Love Me

I love me enough to love myself no matter what's thrown my way
I have faith in me

Love Me

I love me enough to listen to the signs my soul gives to my body
…pink eye, a cold, a cut, a fall, bug bites, negative balances, blocks in flow
…indications that it is time to move on 
Love Me

I love me enough to ask the Divine Beloved, God, to transform my existence 
Where love radiates through every pore of my being
Love Me

I love me enough to accept what is, knowing it is all for my highest good 
Ever growing, ever evolving, ever expanding. 
Love Me
I love me enough to Let Go
Hard as it may be, conditioning had led 

Love Me 
Divine God, Spirit, Beloved, Way, Take The Lead

TBali™-Live Your Beauty
all original material copyright ©2019


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