
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Divinity Of Life

When Divinity wakes up inside you it’s like FIRE, WATER, EARTH, WOOD, AIR, METAL… Fire roaring flames of agitation bursting into action, Water flowing into every nook and cranny of inspiration like waves, Earth fertile and nurturing feeding life into existence, Wood grounded and standing, rooted and tall, reaching for the skies, Air breathing life into the stillness into Divine activity, Metal unyielding yet yielding, strong and withstanding yet bending, to the pressures of life Anything or Anyone feeding off it Taking Space In the way of the Divinity of Your Life... Push it away, Push it away, Cast it off into the vast find it's Divinity within... Blessings & Love TBali™-Live Your Beauty all original material copyright ©2016