Thank You All
I thank you Crazy for the spark you light under me when I sink low. I thank you Guidance as the gentle nudge steering me in the direction which you know is best for me...all the while keeping your distance. I thank you Listeners for the understanding and patience…truly taking all of me in and allowing me to figure all of me out. I thank you Bubbles for all the lifts of inspiration and excitement you bring forward. I thank you Business for all the work you do on my behalf. I thank you Creators for the conversations of movement into now moments that become brilliant works of art. I thank you Opposers for allowing me to release barriers of judgement. …I thank you, I thank you, I thank you... For Crazy, you know who you are… Guidance, my dear mother Listeners, my dear spirit guides and teachers Bubbles, my dear friends Business, my dear agents and bookers Creators, my dear writers and directors Opposers, my dear 'enemies'… Thank you all from the deepest part of my...