
Showing posts from July, 2009

Thank You All

I thank you Crazy for the spark you light under me when I sink low. I thank you Guidance as the gentle nudge steering me in the direction which you know is best for me...all the while keeping your distance. I thank you Listeners for the understanding and patience…truly taking all of me in and allowing me to figure all of me out. I thank you Bubbles for all the lifts of inspiration and excitement you bring forward. I thank you Business for all the work you do on my behalf. I thank you Creators for the conversations of movement into now moments that become brilliant works of art. I thank you Opposers for allowing me to release barriers of judgement. …I thank you, I thank you, I thank you... For Crazy, you know who you are… Guidance, my dear mother Listeners, my dear spirit guides and teachers Bubbles, my dear friends Business, my dear agents and bookers Creators, my dear writers and directors Opposers, my dear 'enemies'… Thank you all from the deepest part of my...


I asked to step into the now, into the isness of life, into the beauty, into the abundance, into the growth and love… It is happening now. And fear, that crusty old friend, keeps rearing his head... he keeps doubting the validity of what my heart holds true; he keeps creating mind twirls in my head; he keeps asking questions of everyone outside of myself to get them to agree with me of how crazy it all is… he keeps trying these very known tactics and it's not working... What is real, is so much stronger. She holds that light for me. She keeps the space as I shriek in fear momentarily, only to come out and find her smiling at me knowingly… Offering a peaceful hand up into my vision...our vision TBali™-Live Your Beauty all original material copyright ©2016

You Give Love

Do you feel you know everything? There is nowhere to grow. Do you feel you have all the answers? There is nowhere to learn. Do you feel like you are a ‘special’ person. There is nowhere to see others. Do you truly listen or do you only hear what’s being said by another as it relates to you? There is nowhere to truly give. Be Open, Be Expansive, Be Humble… In knowing nothing, you learn everything. In not having the answers, all answers are brought your way. In knowing oneness you’ll see we are all unique individuals bearing gifts as part of the whole. In listening with full awareness, you truly give. …You give love TBali™-Live Your Beauty all original material copyright ©2016

Many Of Us Are Passing Over To The Other Side

Many of us are passing over to help on the other side. Wow, what this man did in his life is unbelievable… And we taunted him, make fun of him and treated him like he was some kind of pervert…we persecuted him…pushed him over the edge. All because we didn’t get it, we didn’t understand his freeness, his love, his artistic amazingness, his genius …and now…NOW we celebrate him because he’s passed away. God how evil lurks in the mind of man, how nasty and mean… And then, yes then…when there's no more… All that truly remains is LOVE... Love of his music, of his dancing, love of his talent, love of what he brought to the world. Love of how this amazingness through him managed to united the world...with music!!! UNITE the WORLD!!!! UNITE the WORLD!!!! Transpired beyond any ONE being in music… The way is paved and the followers are many. TBali™-Live Your Beauty all original material copyright ©2016